Find your Unique Purpose!

Transition Software has, over the last six years, researched and developed a specific South African online career assessment tool with the guidance of Professor Johann Meyer, now retired from the University of Stellenbosch.

Unique Purpose is not a test, and there are no correct or incorrect answers.

Unique Purpose will help you discover what your work passion is, and give you direction and career path choices that are unique to you as an individual.

The program will take you on a journey to unearth which work style; motivational environment, career roles, and professions will excite and motivate you to a successful work life.

The process may take as long as two hours, but you do not have to complete it in one step. If your concentration is slipping, or you do not have the time available, simply exit the program. Your work will be saved, and allow you to return later at the point that you stopped.

A progress bar showing how far you have gone for that particular section as well as a progress bar for the full exercise will keep you up-to-date as to how much you have completed.

At the completion of the exercise a Unique Purpose Report will be generated with summary graphics of your Unique Purpose, and a description of your individual work style, motivational environment, career roles, and professions.

This report will allow you to do research to find out more about your chosen professions and have meaningful discussions with a person in our Career Coach Directory resulting in your specific career plan.



Grow Your True Potential
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career, online career assessment, online assessment, career path, career guidance, South African, South Africa, career coach directory, career coaches, career coaching, work style, motivational environment, job motivation, career roles, profession, professions, successful work life, transition software, unique purpose, teenagers, youth, career renewal, individual assessment, learner assessment, life coaches, tutors, career counseling